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Safe Havens Celebrates Purple Thursday

By Sarah Mattea Lane, Life Together Fellow

Today is Purple Thursday, but what does that mean?

Purple Thursday is a day of action as a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Today is a day to raise awareness about domestic violence and show your commitment to ending domestic violence and promoting healthy relationships. GreenHouse17, an intimate partner violence advocate agency, explains the meaning of purple well: “The color purple is a symbol of peace, courage, survival, honor and dedication to ending violence. It’s believed the color’s connection to our mission might have begun during women’s suffrage. In 1978, thousands of advocates for women’s equal rights wore purple when they marched in Washington, D.C. Today the color honors this history, survivors of abuse, and those lives that have been ended too early.”

Keep reading to learn about how Safe Havens has chosen to honor purple Thursday this year.

We are wearing Purple!

Here is Safe Havens Staff, Board, and loved ones wearing purple! We do today this to raise awareness about domestic violence! So, feel free to ask people why they wear purple today!

We are using Purple Thursday Zoom Backgrounds.

Safe Havens has created some zoom backgrounds specifically for Purple Thursday. This is another great way to raise awareness in the virtual world that many of us are living in. You can download these backgrounds by clicking on one of the images below and saving it to your desktop. Swipe through the images to see which one(s) you want to download!

For information on uploading the backgrounds to zoom, check out our uploading instructions

Posting on Social Media

This week is Safe Havens' Week of Action for DVAM. We have been posting all week different ways that everyone can raise awareness as well as highlighting important DV service providers and organizations. If you would like to learn more, Purple Thursday is a great day to hit that follow button. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter our handle is @SafeHavens.

What can YOU do?

Now that you have learned about what Safe Havens is doing to honor purple Thursday, we want to turn it back to you. If you want some ideas on what you could do today and beyond to raise awareness about domestic violence, check out our new resource 10 Ways to Break the Silence Surrounding Domestic Violence!


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